Being Human

Dear Friends of Earnest Efforts -

Saturday we drove up to Eugene to see my Nannie, Opal Robbins, who will be 94 years old in April. There are a thousand stories, but I'm just going to share a few pics today.  Every day we are filled with gratitude for our Grandparents.
Nannie when she was 51 and I (Ellie) was just 3 days old and mad that I'm wearing pink.

Here she is at 93 and me at 43.  Myrtle is only 4.
Nannie's hummingbird feeders.  My job is to keep the feeders full!
Nannie & Earnie

Earnie on his Grandparents farm in Southern Indiana ca. mid-1950's
Take care, be good & kind, and don't forget to laugh,
Ellie Efforts

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