Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture

Good Morning Friends of Earnest Efforts-

Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture
 We have been so busy this Spring that I've found it difficult to keep up with keeping you up on what's happening with Earnest Efforts.  So I retreate back to what my Mom has told me time & time again - when do we learn? - "don't try to eat the entire elephant at one time, but take small bites".  I've never asked her where this comes from and as an environmentalist & vegetarian, it may be time to change this one line parable a bit to "don't try to eat the entire garden at one time, but take small bites".  Mmmm, I like that better.  This said, let's move forward to the point of this entry, which is to introduce the newest shop to begin carrying our Natural Wood Baby Rattles.

"Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture is a non-profit farm and education center located just 25 miles north of Manhattan in Pocantico Hills, New York. Stone Barns operates an 80-acre four-season farm and is working on broader initiatives to create a healthy and sustainable food system. Through our Growing Farmers Initiative, children’s education programs, and diverse public awareness programs, we aim to improve the way America eats and farms.
Stone Barns is open to the public year-round, Wednesday through Sunday from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM. Come walk through our gardens and pastures, sign up for a public program or tour, and enjoy a meal at our partner restaurant Blue Hill at Stone Barns or at Blue Hill CafĂ©."  Our wood baby rattles are now available in their store & visitor center.

If you live in the Pocantico Hills of New York, or you will be traveling through that area we would love to hear about your visit to the Center.  The images on their website make me wish I could go for a visit! 

Thanks for stopping by to check in with us and remember...

Take care, be good & kind, and don't forget to laugh,
Ellie Efforts (aka Heather)

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